Trash the Checklist

Throwback Thoughts: Experience is the Best Teacher

Yolanda Holloway and Tiffany Byrd Season 2 Episode 2

 It's Homecoming, y'all.!! Michael Jackson once asked, "Do you remember?" and Mary J. Blige said, "You remind me" and Ahmad once said, "Back in the day..."  So it's clear that going back in time to reflect on and think about things that happened and the things that you did  when you were younger is a big part of life.  Join Yolanda and Tiffany as they use their experience at their college homecoming to reflect on and connect who they were then with who they are now.  What lessons would they give to their 18 to 22 year old selves?  How do you relate to the hosts' revelations? How has your life been impacted by choices that you made while a very young adult? What insight can they provide to the next wave of young, eager, ambitious men and women who will also be searching for a way to find their own contentment and happiness?

#HBCUProud #MorganMade #TheNationalTreasure #Trashthechecklist #podcastlife #womenpodcasters #BeHappy

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@dr.Yo on Instagram for Yolanda
@trash_the_checklist_podcast on Instagram

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There are no rules and no timelines that can determine your success or happiness. So go ahead and Trash the checklist!

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